Series 9/10 on DVD NOW!

Series 9 and 10 are out released on DVD for the very first time on 19th October. The set contains all episodes from both series and the 1985 Christmas special.

You can order this item here.

SERIES 9 and 10

If you want to catch up on previous episodes, check out the links below :

SERIES 7 and 8

Remembering Series 10

Series 10 followed the pupils in what would become one of Grange Hill’s biggest series. Zammo tries to overcome his heroin addiction and rebuild hs relationship with Jackie, whilst Danny Kendall continues to clash with Mr Bronson. All 24 episodes of this classic children’s television series are released on DVD on October 19th and can be pre-ordered here.


Imelda Davis continues her campaign of carnage & bullying, creating difficulties for pupils & teachers alike. It’s a tough year for Danny Kendall as he battles Cancer. Roland starts up a School Fund to help pay for his treatment.   A sixth form barge trip is certainly eventful as Gonch, Ziggy, Rob & Trevor first manage to crash the boat, then send it floating off on its own with stowaway (& former Grange Hill pupil) Ant Jones inside. The school gets its own Radio station, Zammo & Jackie get Engaged; & what will happen to Harriett the Donkey…?

Remembering Series 9

Few could forget Series 9 of Grange Hill – probably the biggest of it’s 30 years. Series 9, broadcast in 1986, saw Zammo become addicted to heroin and the launch of the Just Say No campaign. Alongside some of the most powerful scenes ever broadcast on Children’s television, this series also saw the introduction of Grange Hill legends Ziggy Greaves, Imelda Davies, Ant Jones and Danny Kendall. Re-live all 24 episodes of this classic series as Series 9 is released on DVD on October 19th 2020. You can pre-order the DVD (alongside series 10) here.

Series 9

New pupils Eric ‘Ziggy’ Greaves, Danny Kendall, Georgina Hayes & Ant Jones are amongst the fresh faces piling through the Grange Hill gates & Zammo makes some bad decisions when he should ‘Just Say No’.  Zammo’s behaviour becomes increasingly erratic & It’s Roland who eventually discovers the shocking truth. The thorny subject of smoking is tackled with new student Danny Kendall taking every opportunity for a crafty cigarette. This leads pupils to set up an anti-smoking campaign, which also targets the teachers!!  In other news the ever entrepreneurial Gonch serves up his latest money-making scheme, anyone for a slice of toast?